Frequently Asked QuestionsProaneer(iOS)

Will there be an Android version of Proaneer in the future?


 Last Updated: 11/16/2023 

Do the creators of Proaneer receive money for making Proaneer?

No. Proaneer is available completely free of charge and no monetary compensation is received or expected. Your information is never collected nor sold, nor does Proaneer have any ads or other promotions for making a profit.

What does it cost to make an iOS app like Proaneer? Apart from the devices to create and test Proaneer (e.g. a Mac computer, iPhone, iPad), all apps on the Apple App Store require a 'developer account' to be made available. The cost for this account is $99 a year. Also a website domain name is needed, about $20 a year.

If you feel the desire to contribute to these costs and are able to do so, please use the following link to make a one time or set up a recurring donation: Alternately, you could send an email to with the Subject of "Donation" for more information.

Other ways to contribute would be to send us an email to with your thoughts on Proaneer. It's always great to hear how to improve and what features you are enjoying. Thank you very much for your support of the development of this tool!

 Last Updated: 11/21/2023 

My home-screen widgets are not updating, what should I do?

Please open the Proaneer app, and wait a few seconds.

 Last Updated: 11/16/2023 

What can I do if my question is not answered here?

Please send an email to with your thoughts or questions on Proaneer. It's always great to hear how to improve and what features you are enjoying. We will try our best to reply within 1-2 days.

 Last Updated: 11/20/2023